Happy Happy Friday, all! Wow, can you believe I made it through the week?! ;) I'm so excited to be back into the nail art way and hopefully I can keep it up in the future. I so miss doing nail art regularly (and don't worry, I should hopefully have an AWESOME mani to share tomorrow - so excited about it already!).
For my final day of Digital Dozen Neon week, I've done a simple but striking geometric pattern with my trusty striping brush.

I love how geometric patterns look on nails and I actually really enjoy the meticulous process of creating a mani like this. My numbingly soothing!

I started with a base of China Glaze's What's She Dune and then painted the outlines of each triangle with white acrylic paint. I started with several evenly spaced vertical lines, and then came back in and painted lines evenly at an angle.

Then, with Salon Perfect's Haute Pink, Mer-Made of Money, and Tickled Pink, I filled in some random triangles. I contemplated adding white triangles, but I ultimately left it a bit more simple and I really like how they turned out.

How do you like these? Do you have a favorite mani from this week?? How about of the other DD ladies? Let me know :)