Hello, hello! I've got another short and sweet post for you all today (again). Today is Day 4 of Digital Dozen does Neon!
Even though I've had my Digital Dozen manis done for almost 2 weeks, I wasn't able to get my act together enough to actually edit them all before hand ;) I have a terrible habit of taking about 100 photos of each mani (I know, what is wrong with me!?) and then it takes years to flip through them all and decide which I like best. The fiance often laughs at me as I flip back and forth between two seemingly identical photos, unable to decide which one is best ;)

Anyway, today is a neon Paisley look! It's not as "paisley" as I had hoped it would be, but hopefully it still evokes that style to you all.

I started with a base of Cirque's Monte Carlo (one of my FAVE blues) and then started outlining the basics of the paisley with a grey acrylic paint. With Salon Perfect's Flamingo Flair, I added the bright neon coral details and used black and white acrylic paint for the rest.

This is one of those manis I keep going back and forth on liking...so I'll ask you all how you like it instead! :)

Be sure to check out the inlinz below!