Hello, all! Quick post today! I was crazy busy over the holidays so I haven't been able to post regularly but hoping to get back in the swing of things now! Today I have another mani for the 40 Great Nail Art Ideas Challenge!
Today is another set of pattern prompts and that means everyone is posting manis with the same color but a different style/pattern. My pattern was "fan brush"with a pale blue base.

Well, since you're reading this, you've got eyes and you can see that this mani doesn't appear to have fun brush :( I promise you, it does! But unfortunately, the light purple, grey and white shades that I used over the light blue base were not even close to picked up by my camera. Sad day!

Anyhow, I figured I'd post anyway. Since it's still winter, I wanted to use the fan brush design as a base for some simple forest nail art. I was originally going to paint pine trees but I changed it up and went with some bare aspen trees with a dash of snow cover instead.

I used a base of Zoya's Blu for the pale blue base and then grey, purple, and white acrlyic paint to add the (apparently existent) fan brush over it. I followed that up with black paint for the bare trees.

Be sure to check out the inlinkz below to see what everyone else created for today!