nothing to disclose
Hello, all! Well, it's been quite a long time since I've last posted. Long story short, I'm just incredibly busy. Since the start of the new year, things at work have picked up tenfold. I'm getting married at the end of the year and FINALLY getting my act together and beginning to plan things for that (I've got my dress, the venue, and a photographer pretty much figured out!). I'm trying to get back into my routine of exercising regularly as well as learning to cook more for myself. Plus, I've discovered another passion of mine which lies in hand lettering, planners, and general pretty things (check out my other Instagram,
@wondrouslyplanned if you're curious!). Needless to say, I've just been busy.
But the purpose of this post is to also offer a bit of an update on me, where my head is at, and hopefully provide some insight into why I've been so sporadic with my posting lately. I've come to some realizations recently and the fact that I'm writing this on Valentine's Day feels pretty perfect. I think it's a love letter to myself, to my blog, and sort of to all my readers. It's wordy and probably redundant and definitely cheesy, but I need to get it out of my head and off my chest.
I hope you'll stick around and read through to the end, but no hard feelings if you'd rather just look at the nail art pictures ;) I'll be mixing in today's nail art look for some breaks in the wall of text :p