Hi everyone! :D I hope that those of you celebrating Father's Day yesterday had a wonderful time! I live about 4 hours from my folks so I had a good chat on the phone with my Dad today. Always nice to catch up with him.
I know I've been pretty sporadic with my posting lately, but I'm hoping (yet again) to get back to posting nail art regularly. I am super excited about today's post as it's the start of a little mini "series" (if you will) that I've been intending to do for a long while! Some of you may know that outside of my love of nail art, I'm also a huge fan of all things planners/journals/pens/etc., and I subscribe to a super awesome monthly kit called, The Planner Society Kit. You can check out my planner instagram if you want - I'm @moonlitdaydreamer!

I have been getting Christy's kits for almost a year now and I love them more and more each month. One of my favorite parts of the kits though are the exclusive washi tapes, all designed by Christy. And guess what? She's a floral fiend just like me ;) Naturally, I want to recreate every single floral pattern she designs!

I've mentioned this desire in my past TPS washi tape mani posts, but I've been wanting to do a series of looks inspired by TPS washis...so, that's what is going to happen! I've got more of these coming your way this week and I am so excited for you to see them all!

Technically this is the 3rd mani in my washi inspired series even though it's been a few months since my last one. This particular washi tape was included in May's Washi Tape club and is extra wide (and extra awesome). I love the color palette and feel of it. Great addition to my collection.

Base polish is China Glaze's At Vase Value and the flowers were painted with acrylic paints. I also tried out some new nail art brushes from Winstonia for this manicure. I'll have a full review of them up soon (they're really great and SO tiny! Love them!), but in the mean time you can check the Berry Wine Super Thin Nail Art Brushes on their site and use my discount code, WP10, for 10% off your purchase.

So, what do you think? Liking washi inspired manis? I know I am :) Like I said, more of these coming your way! What do you think of more mini series like this? With different themes? I'm liking the concept!
Happy Polishing :)