Hello, all! Hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend :) I've been feeling a bit under the weather so I'm hoping tomorrow brings feeling better and not worse! I wanted to post my Day 8 of the 31 Day Challenge 2.0 before Day 9 officially starts tomorrow. The theme for today is 'dotticure' and while I love love LOVE how most dotticures look, it's really not a mani style I do often.
I really considered doing a traditional dotticure for today, but when I was looking for inspiration of "dots", I came across Aboriginal artwork (which is essentially Pointillism) and got inspired by the concept of doing something like it for today.

I came across this STUNNING Aboriginal art inspired necklace in an Aussie Etsy shop and fell in love. I'm seriously tempted to buy the pendant, I think it's that cool. The nail art is a bit different from the necklace and definitely more of an "inspired by" piece, but I think I like this look! It's funky and different and the majority of primary colors is outside of my normal color scheme so I like that it pushed me out of my comfort zone.

I used a base of Zoya's Breezi and then used my tiniest dotting tool and got to dotting away with various acrylic paints. The red is a solid background of acrylic paint and I like that it adds extra contrast with the blue background. I seriously contemplated mattifying these, but I (surprisingly) really loved them glossy.

Be sure to check out what Meghan and Kelli have done for this theme via the inlinkz below (you know they're awesome manis before even looking!). What do you think of this look? Are you digging the funkiness as much as me? ;)

Happy Polishing :)