If you read my recent "year in review" post, you'll know that I'm looking to make Wondrously Polished into a more well-rounded blog that can become a resource for people looking to expand their nail art prowess.
One of my biggest problems when it comes to my blog is keeping organized. I'm usually scribbling notes and lists on random pieces of paper that ultimately get lost in the hot mess that is my purse. So, I decided to remedy that issue and purchase my very own Erin Condren Planner! Now, for those who don't know, these are sort of the Rolls Royce of planners and are definitely pricey (they start at $50)...but, you get so much bang for your buck with these. They are customized with your name (or whatever you want!) and include motivational quote, pretty graphics, and spot on organization. Needless to say, I'm super excited for it...and I had to paint the cover image on my nails to celebrate ;)
I think I was more excited for this planner than I was for anything else in all of 2013 (is that sad? haha). I watched the tracking like a hawk and squealed with joy when it shipped a full 2 weeks before it was slated to.
Okay, enough about the planner. I'm not going to list the colors I used for all of the flowers (though let me know if there is one in particular that you're really curious about and I'll dig through my helmer to find out for you) but I'll explain a bit how I did this.
I started with a black base polish and added a fast dry top coat over it because I'm impatient and because it let's me fix any errors that may occur when I'm painting the flowers. 

With white, yellow and pink polish, I painted roundish blobs as my base for the roses and then used hot pink, purple and red to paint the more defined daisy flower petals. This step was very loosely done so if you give this a shot, don't worry too much about whether or not it looks perfect. When I was happy with the density of my flowers, I went back in to define the flowers a bit more.
If the flower was a light color, I added definition using a darker polish and if the flower was darker, I used a lighter polish to add definition. Again, this was just roughly painted in. Finally, I added in the leaves with a dark and light green polish. Before I added the greenery, these felt very incomplete so don't worry if you encounter the same thing.
If anyone is interested in their very own Erin Condren planner, you can use my affiliate link to receive $10 off your order. Just click my link, create a new account and you'll be sent an email with a code for $10 off :)
Happy Polishing :)