Can I just say that I'm pretty impressed with myself that I'm actually keeping up with this challenge (well, in that I'm actually doing it still...)! I was a bit stumped at first at what to do for my green manicure. I think part of it is that I really loved my stained glass nails which were GREEN and so a lot of my creativity for the time being went into those. However, I ended up coming up with something that I have fallen madly and disgustingly in love with. As I type this, I am looking every few seconds at them in the way you stare at a newfound crush that you're pretty sure you're in love with...yes, you are all invited to the wedding. Maybe that's a bit too much build up and my apologies if you all see these and think I'm crazy for loving them oh so much. BUT beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm not budging on my stance ;)

Happy Polishing! :)